Project manage the execution of the selected idea and accelerate the realization of the future state of the customer experience.
Stuck at a place where you need improvement but can’t add? Select from the in-built improvement methods to improve your journey mapping.
Now create your own roadmap for your next journey improvement project and use it with your teammates for other projects as well.
Don’t know when a project will be over? Now you can create phases of a project, and exactly know how much time will a journey map take to complete.
Add tasks for yourself and other team members with information and deadlines. Find out when they submit it and check their progress.
Assign owner and allocate tasks based on the priority list so that you don’t miss a deadline.
Task scheduling will help you to assign the start and end times to a set of tasks, subject to certain constraints.
Adding pertinent information to a task keep all relevant data related to that task in one location. You can also add checklist to a task.
Track the progress of the allotted tasks and know real-time visual representation of the status of a project.
Now get notification when a new task is assigned to you. Get notified when a deadline is near or when a task is completed.